Welcome to BrainMax Animation Academy

It is our pleasure to be talking to you. BrainMax comprising of is the expression of my passion for Animation, VFX and Games with a dream to represent Indian companies in the competitive global entertainment industry. I am also determined to make animation a comprehensive segment of the Indian entertainment industry.

Skilled manpower is the foundation to realize tins dream. BrainMax is here to break the conventional teaming curriculum of a student and to source the talents at the right time and instigate the fire for “QUALITY, input QUALITY output”. BrainMax tomorrow would be world-class training college for Animation, VFX and Games including Pre-production, production and Post Production.


Upcoming Events

BrainMax Animation Conducts monthly once or twice workshop classes. Kindly register for workshop classes based on the scheduled dates mentioned in the Register Workshop Menu.

Workshop Topics:
Digital Design Pipeline Workshop
Game Design Pipeline Workshop
Virtual Reality Process Workshop
Visual Effects Pipeline Workshop
Digital Ad making Workshop
MatchMoving Pipeline Workshop
Multipass Redering & Compositing Workshop
and more updates follow us | Instagram@brainmaxanimation | FaceBook Official Page@brainmaxEdu

Online Courses

Online courses can be availed through two different modes that are tailormade to suit the needs and convenience of the students. The two modes are namely the interactive mode and the instructional mode. However, it is possible to offer only specific short courses through the online mode. Exceptions for specialization courses will be made on a case to case basis. The student is advised to discuss thoroughly about their preferred courses and time slots with the course counsellor before registering for any of the options.


Why Choose Us

Highly Qualified Faculties

We offer highly qualified and experienced faculties in the industry. Our faculties are...

Idea Generation

We believe that ideas ca change life that is why our curriculum is developed to encourage...

Intellectual Development

We give special attention to your intellectual development. We have special classes just...

Global Education

We believe that education should have a global reach that is why we make you ready for...

Students Testimonials

Students talk about BrainMax Animation Academy and the Technical Instructors with Curriculum Management.